Performance parameters evaluation of surface plasmon resonance based fiber optic sensor with different bilayer metals: Theoretical study

Murtadha Faaiz Sultan, Ali A. Al-Zuky, Shehab A. Kadhim
2018 Mustansiriyah Journal of Science  
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based fiber optic sensor with three types of bilayer configurations (silver/gold, copper/gold, and aluminum/gold) is theoretically analyzed. Performance parameters like sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, figure of merit, and resolution are evaluated for each configuration. Signal to noise ratio (SNR), and figure of merit (FOM) are enhanced very well for the selected bilayer configurations as the outer gold layer thickness increased, the sensitivity enhanced also
more » ... but with small frictions while the resolution has decreased slightly.
doi:10.23851/mjs.v29i1.248 fatcat:ib7bziix7rctzkck2z6uix5p5y