G.H. Tenney
1964 unpublished
This was the first large IAEA symposium on this topic and was arranged with the help of the Romanian Institute of Atomic Physics. Over 100 participants from 20 countries and two international organizations presented 46 papers. The development of non-destructive testing techniques has increased considerably in recent years, particularly in the nuclear field. Nondestructive testing methods such as ultrasonic and radiographic testing are proving increasingly useful for ensuring that reactor
more » ... ls and components will stand up to prolonged and rigorous use. Such methods are used to test for flaws, to check dimensions such as tube-wall thickness, and to determine the location and distribution of uranium fuel in a fuel element. Speakers stressed that these methods were invaluable for providing extensive and detailed data on the physical structure and condition of materials and the effects of fabrication processes. Among aspects of non-destructive testing that were discussed were the use of automation; assistance at the design stage for attaining higher strength-to-weight ratios; the testing of welds in reactor containment vessels; and the testing of sintered materials. The important information presented at the Symposium and the extensive discussions among scientists demonstrated the desire to accelerate solutions to various problems connected with non-destructive testing techniques. The IAEA wishes to express gratitude to the Romanian Government and the Romanian Institute of Atomic Physics for their generous hospitality and co-operation.
doi:10.2172/4603337 fatcat:2tbghfif55ckhht7w2hijiuyoy