Preparation of β, β-Dimethyl Acrylonitrile

Tomoo Kiryu, Kooichi Abe, Masakatsu Itazawa, Takayuki Tsutsui
1969 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute  
Dimethyl acrylonitrile was prepared from the reaction between methallyl chloride, ethanol and sodium cyanate solution. This was an SN2 reaction and the principal product was β,β-dimethyl acrylonitrile and not methallyl cyanide, all of which was isomerized into β,β-dimethyl acrylonitrile in sodium cyanate solution. The apparent activation energy of this reaction was computed to be 19.6kcal/mole.
doi:10.1627/jpi1958.12.188 fatcat:teahsspxeffmtdcaml3imiq3sa