Evaluation of CO2 Storage possibilities on The Norwegian Continental Shelf

Eva K. Halland, Fridtjof Riis
2014 Energy Procedia  
To get an overview of the possibility to inject and store CO2 in a safe and effective way offshore Norway, possible storage sites has been mapped and evaluated. A total of 27 geological formations have been individually assessed, and grouped into saline aquifers together with several mapped and dry-drilled structures. The evaluation of geological volumes suitable for injecting and storing CO 2 can be viewed as a step-wise approximation which is presented with a pyramid representing the maturity
more » ... of the storage sites. The assessed aquifers have been characterized according to the guidelines, which have been developed for this study.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.550 fatcat:op3kj4ckabbmlldgjgf4jlip7i