Virtuous Human Values Limit World's Ravages [dataset]

Iosr Journals, Adil Salim Elsheikh Elgarrai
2015 Figshare  
This study aims to draw the attention of individuals, politicians and leaders to the importance of virtuous human values and their role in spreading love harmony and peace in all parts of the world. The most important of these values is altruism that must be instilled when educating generations because it generates good and prevents evils, woes, malevolence as well as calamities. Reliance on international laws, spending huge funds on the organizations that keep peace around the world,
more » ... spreading of virtuous human values and failure to maintain them complicates the world's problems and reduces the chances of solving them. When the qualities of altruism, modesty, benevolence, mercy, compassion, tolerance and justice prevail; the inhabitants of the world will enjoy security and peace.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1351879.v1 fatcat:5if6hr7dn5e2zhb65r5dhvzsbu