Analysis of Data From Ambient PM10 Concentration Monitoring in Volos in the Period 2005-2010

Zogou O., A. Stamatelos
2012 American Journal of Environmental Engineering  
This paper presents the results of a monitoring campaign for amb ient PM 10 concentrations in Vo los, Greece in the period 2005-2010. The aim is to give an overview of the evolution of particulate pollution, discuss effects of the micro-climate and demonstrate that PM 10 monitoring may be carried out with lo w-cost measurement instruments at a community level. Statistical processing of the 2009-2010 measurement data indicates a negative correlat ion of PM 10 with amb ient air temperature and a
more » ... ositive correlation with relat ive humid ity. Low PM 10 concentrations are associated with E to SE winds and high concentrations with NW to N winds. Daily variation of part iculate matter concentrations follo ws well established patterns
doi:10.5923/j.ajee.20120204.05 fatcat:backt2geube4xazjrm77bqz2p4