Algorithm for Gesture Recognition Using an IR-UWB Radar Sensor

Nan Ren, Xuanjun Quan, Sung Ho Cho
2016 Journal of Computer and Communications  
This paper introduces a human gesture recognition algorithm using an impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) radar sensor. Human gesture recognition has been one of the hottest research topics for quite a long time. Many gesture recognition algorithms or systems using other sensors have been proposed such as using cameras, RFID tags and so on. Among which gesture recognition systems using cameras have been extensively studied in past years and widely used in practical. While it might show some
more » ... iciencies in some cases. For example, the users might not like to be filmed by cameras considering their privacies. Besides, it might not work well in very dark environments. While RFID tags could be inconvenient to many people and are likely to be lost. Our gesture recognition algorithm uses IR-UWB radar sensor which has pretty high resolution in ranging and adjustable gesture recognition range, meanwhile, does not have problems in privacy issues or darkness. In this paper, the gesture recognition algorithm is based on the moving direction and distance change of the human hand and the change of the frontal surface area of hand towards radar sensor. By combining these changes while doing gestures, the algorithm may recognize basically 6 kinds of hand gestures. The experimental results show that these gestures are of quite good performance. The performance analysis from experiments is also given.
doi:10.4236/jcc.2016.43015 fatcat:xfzibucauvaabf2bjeruf27ijm