Position Compensation Method of BLDC Motor for Automotive Applications

Jun- Hyuk Choi
2013 IOSR Journal of Engineering  
Because of recent environmental issues, national fuel efficiency regulations are being strengthened and the market demand for high efficiency vehicle is increasing. In order to improve the fuel efficiency, it is needed to improve the efficiency of the combustion engine or to reduce the losses. Brushless dc (BLDC) motor has a number of advantages such as high efficiency, high power factor, and low maintenance cost. The motor for automotive applications should be made compact and increasing the
more » ... ficiency causing limited automotive volume. However it is difficult to control precisely BLDC motors with hall sensors. Because it is difficult for the hall sensors to be positioned exactly 120 electrical degrees apart. BLDC control with unbalanced hall sensors cause the current ripple and torque ripple. Sensor-less configuration may be inappropriate for all automotive applications, because of the slow response speed and difficult operating at low speed. This paper deals primarily with the design aspects of the permanent magnet brushless dc motor and method of measuring rotor position using hall sensors.
doi:10.9790/3021-03114955 fatcat:connv52jrngjhhxvah7rau7xyi