Non-Unique Differential Turbo Matrix Modulation

G. Bauch, P. Sethuraman, F. Schreckenbach
2005 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications  
Differential matrix modulation is an attractive alternative for MIMO transmission since it does not require channel estimation at the receiver. Most proposals are based on unitary matrices. Assuming a receiver with relatively low complexity, we will show that the performance at higher bandwidthefficiency can be improved by using non-unitary matrix constellations. We compare different non-unitary schemes and their soft-output detectors.
doi:10.1109/pimrc.2005.1651610 dblp:conf/pimrc/BauchSS05 fatcat:6cknxnp3dvc2zdejjy47a2h5eu