Response of Aeroengine with Fusing Design Suffering FBO

Chi Ma, Wei Chen, Lulu Liu, Zhenhua Zhao, Gang Luo
2019 International Journal of Aerospace Engineering  
The loss of fan blades in an aeroengine, or fan-blade out (FBO), is a type of accident that causes a sudden imbalance and large impact load, which leads to complex vibration of a system. To conduct a dynamic analysis of an aeroengine rotor system is an important requirement for relevant departments. The purpose of this paper is to study the dynamic response of a complex dual-rotor system suffering FBO events and the protective effect of the fusing structure on the system. The dynamic model of
more » ... aeroengine dual-rotor system is established, and the response of the rotor system is obtained by calculation and analysis. The rear support bearing of the fan has a high reaction force, which may lead to bearing failure. The mechanism of a fusing structure is analyzed, and the results show that the sudden imbalance will produce impact loads on the rotor, resulting in a sharp increase in the vibration amplitude and reaction force, and then, attenuation to steady state. The fusing structure can reduce the amplitude of steady-state rotor vibration and reaction force on the support bearings. However, the transient response of the rotor will increase because of the sudden change in support stiffness.
doi:10.1155/2019/9560731 fatcat:4jj4ksctpfbhnbw2i2cjlgbo5a