MOESM1 of BioCode gold-nanobeacon for the detection of fusion transcripts causing chronic myeloid leukemia

M. Cordeiro, L. Giestas, J. Lima, P. Baptista
2016 Figshare  
Additional file 1: Figure S1. In silico verification of hybridization of the designed sequences using the software NUPACK. Figure S2. Schematic representation of specific target recognition by the designed hairpins. Figure S3. Experimental validation of hybridization of the designed sequences. Figure S4. Calibration of PEG functionalization of AuNP surface. Figure S5. Characterization of the synthetized BioCodes and gold nanoparticles. Figure S6. Hybridization assays of BioCode e14. Figure S7.
more » ... ormalized absorption and emission spectra of the fluorophores used for BioCode-e13 and absorption spectra of AuNP. Figure S8. Normalized absorption and emission spectra of the fluorophores used for BioCode-e14 and absorption spectra of AuNP.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3629363_d1.v1 fatcat:qwnejeigrvaevjbhrbqvbk5ria