Dynamic Response of Pile-cap Structure Under Random Sea Wave Action

Li Ya, Cheng Zekun, Ni Qinqin
2015 Procedia Engineering  
Based on Pierson-Moscowitz (P-M) sea wave spectrum and linear wave theory, this paper presents the techniques for simulating random wave action on slender piles of pile-cap structure in coastal engineering, and discusses the dynamic response of pile-cap structure under random wave action using Finite Element (FE) method. In this study, a full FE model of a realistic pile-cap structure of a sea platform is established. The dynamic time-history analysis of the structure under the random sea wave
more » ... ction is carried out in consideration of two different structural damping types. As contrast, the static and dynamic analyses of the structure under the characteristic wave are also conducted. By comparing the displacement and internal force induced in the structure based on the different approaches considered, it is found that the dynamic response under the random sea wave is largest, which could have serious implications for design of structures of this type.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.08.338 fatcat:457dl3xpwvhw7hikdpz3bjftzi