New French Aeroplanes

1907 Scientific American  
NEW FRENCH AEROPLANES. Santos Dumont, Capt. Ferber, and several other French experimenters have been hard at work during the past winter building new aeroplanes with which to compete for the many prizes now offered. The illustrations published herewith show two of the new aeroplanes-those of Santos Dumont and M. Dela grange. The former aeroplane was described briefly in a recent issue of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. As can Scientific American with steel wire. The material used is light varnished
more » ... th, which is stretched over curved wooden ribs in the usual manner. The rear planes are connected to gether by three vertical planes, which are intended to assure the stability of the machine and to keep it moving forward in a straight line. Back of the mid dle one of these planes is placed the rudder, which is suitably connected to the steering gear arranged be side the operator. The rear planes are carried on a photograph, and the tubes connecting the front and rear planes were bent. It is claimed the accident was due to improper assembling when the machine was put together on the site of the test. M. Delagrange, its sculptor inventor, will have it reconstructed and then make further trials. • • • Motoring in the Desert .•
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican03301907-269 fatcat:cyelpiphwzan7m322f7a7stmmi