A short review: Characterization and Heath Effects of Saffron Utilizing in Disease Treatment and Prevention

Thi Sinh Vo, Tran Thi Bich Chau Vo, Tran Thi Thu Ngoc Vo
2021 Journal of Research in Clinical Medicine  
With current technological development, finding and exploring novel chemical compounds from natural material sources can be one of significant purposes for researchers. Especially, saffron is known to be the highest-cost medicinal plant, a high-grade spice, and an outstanding dye. Concomitantly, the final saffron products truly affect much their quality to protect the rights for the consumer, as well as its available healthy benefits can be utilized for treating or preventing various diseases.
more » ... erein, the chemical characterization and health effects of saffron are shortly introduced and summarized through treatment and prevention of different diseases (i.e.: cancer, liver, ocular, diabetes, antidepressant, Alzheimer and gastrointestinal diseases), which can favor readers understanding clearly the saffron advantages through this short review. Moreover, it can provide relatively for choosing an effective drying method to maintain the product qualities and facilitate the industrial production of saffron.
doi:10.34172/jrcm.2021.028 fatcat:dufbnb4vnjhc7p7fbp5u5hyjqi