Role of Advanced Technology in Preventing Suicide in Transgenders

The goal of this paper is to attempt understanding around suicidal ideation in transgender youth and to find out how technology prevents risk of suicidal ideation among them. A pragmatic approach is followed including face to face interview of 75 transgenders about their suicidal thoughts and how major technical advances such as cyberspace, internet, mass media, and telephonic conversation enhance resilience and reduce suicidal thoughts enduring in them. Results in this article motives that
more » ... igated suicidal ideas in Transgender youth dominantly comprised of isolation and rejection based on gender identity. Participants conquered suicidal thoughts by connecting with their loved ones for social and moral support and by socializing from private realms to discuss various sensitive and embarrassing issues which regulated their adverse behavior into self-love. 85.33% of Transgender youth out of the sample of 75 agreed to the fact that they have at least once thought of attempting suicide and 75% of the sample have given up the idea of suicide due to technology enhanced intervention by providing a social platform for discussing issues, receiving advices and support about 'coming out' despite staying at the fringes of the society. This experimented paper on studying emotions of depressed transgenders can be helpful in understanding the real life challenges in the life of transgender and innovation of up-to-date technology will be encouraged in prohibiting suicidal ideas among transgenders.
doi:10.35940/ijitee.c8689.019320 fatcat:rwfzvl6ws5hmrc5xw3bauiug3i