Ecological Aspect of the Usage of Ahy and Slag Waste in the Chechen Republic

S-A.Y. Murtazaev, M.Sh. Salamanova, M.Sh Mintsaev, M.S. Saydumov, S.A. Aliev
2018 Proceedings of the International Symposium "Engineering and Earth Sciences: Applied and Fundamental Research" (ISEES 2018)   unpublished
Nowadays the development of new efficient composites based on secondary resources for high-rise construction is a relevant issue. The basis of the production of high-strength concrete is based on modern technological methods that improve technical, physic and mechanical properties, with the integrated application of industrial raw materials and effective chemical additives. The article presents the compositions and studies the properties of high-strength concretes on enriched aggregates and
more » ... d binders with fine ash filler. Keywords-industrial raw material, ashy binder, bottom-ash compounds, wastes of the fragmentation of the rock, superplasticizer, ashy microspheres, high-strength concrete, crusher-run aggregate
doi:10.2991/isees-18.2018.8 fatcat:3ovg6em67fg2bk3a7wowkd6rui