A Value-at-Risk Based Approach for PMU Placement in Distribution Systems

Min Liu
2022 Energy Engineering  
With the application of phasor measurement units (PMU) in the distribution system, it is expected that the performance of the distribution system state estimation can be improved obviously with the PMU measurements into consideration. How to appropriately place the PMUs in the distribution is therefore become an important issue due to the economical consideration. According to the concept of efficient frontier, a value-at-risk based approach is proposed to make optimal placement of PMU taking
more » ... count of the uncertainty of measure errors, statistical characteristics of the pseudo measurements, and reliability of the measurement instrument. The reasonability and feasibility of the proposed model is illustrated with 12-node system and IEEE-33 node system. Simulation results indicated that uncertainties of measurement error and instrument fault result in more PMU to be installed, and measurement uncertainty is the main affect factor unless the fault rate of PMU is quite high. KEYWORDS Distribution system state estimation (DSSE); efficient frontier; meter placement; phasor measurement units (PMU); value at risk (VaR); weighted least square (WLS)
doi:10.32604/ee.2022.016657 fatcat:2twmjeznu5ehjmmlkmjr5ihdu4