The Nanaimo Free Press [Monday, October 21, 1912]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Victoria, Oct. ai.-lt* i.l,n^ ^ea, » th* MciorU pro HOME RULE I S FIRSTraUGi londcn, Oct, 21. -The govern-™ ine MciorU pro nnwifa 1.4tiul lialorm i... .Nanaimo I niud, at suddenly eeaaed, the omcialSvlana-inTVEBB im ^ ^'^hun " -----------'*'^*'*-a must >« concentrated at Westminster PiJitor Frss Pnm. n* nntll Uarrh. when it U hoped that the al. Horae Hule will te paaaed. The fact MUMAINMNOLOIUTS ARRIVES AT I E llear mr.-.ta par proialae. 1 a riU *, Glowln* news cornea from Wd«a at which city
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... t. A. E. th«i two nmawm Hainwarln*, accompanied hy Mr.' tui in|urie, , Frank Newberry, the latter being like which ezplodsd. wise an exhibitor, represent Nanaimo 'five aartauMy 200 HURT H Pataloan. Ca.. Oct, fl.-Mecs u be that t ! bittemeas of you on arrhal lit f^sthbridgn Wc, action of am minm nminwc operation aa\ woujdhave ,he aPi'-^rtion '"hlaTight^ mw-" ">»«. •»« Mr-^ W. Kawl jahow ' 1 ^ C&&fll6« hthm* «*Ks« !• Imlriftss aK.. Awtew ^ ItKse m jwhoae exbiblu have juatly well Juatlfying the prompt )ur citlsens in deciding to in General and making a total of 600' ' 'hlorla aiarteil with the eon at The company haa all the an-back and the left wing, ,m r and firemen that,they may rw f**'*"** 'heir opponenta' , at conlnnnd. It is g«o-"*« hut then lost the bell. e and C.F.U. eenrica A 1. getablea and tni ta. ecu,KM-TO«... .woiklng t ot oml Inside two or TOIBI TK TO STBrUBNSON. llHrM Stephenson, chief ot provla-^ pollcs lor this part of the lahmi. is rtainly vanished, m-I **»"4!aetlng zrr:; r. " -wn, belb-^M an the mines will be s outside leu. ' A nasty accident happened Hatur-®«*Ed. have ■ -tbei, "OTsl "p fr«iu.ntly for odsiile. "tlemtHm to StJvQv. H. Bird ery comfort :A good bit of eomiiination by the u"*^. " Nenooee n,eals. exselle..« Nanaimo centre and inside right f .r.-. we?e' rb«nK"ovmurning "whh ^tS " ">» evmy couries} ,ed n comer off the Victoria goal-[reeult that the former and Hr .lohn danta. .In eomperison. keaswr. but an olTaide against the vt-underneath the not progiwsslhg fester th" «.» tsekv--4be prr««,. W^ed'.LTwTvl^Um.'from'^e P~-j^analnio came right hack, but a fee-!dangerous position. Mr. K. U. Bird, dr-wc and growth la a.ifaixnt. ant j-j., hie shot want straight into the ^oal-Manager af the Bank of Commerce, the mors one gsu into the Interior F^w'x'ILSi^K .. ta CnmIwrUnd hmper-. hand., and Victoria took Uu, he conlta-,he greater is