The Experimental Study of the Utilization of Recycling Aggregate from the Demolition of Elements of a Reinforced Concrete Hall

Katarzyna Kalinowska-Wichrowska, David Suescum-Morales
2020 Sustainability  
The article shows a case study as to whether the thermal and mechanical recycling of concrete is suitable for concrete debris from the demolition of structural elements of a 30-year-old industrial hall. The experiment included 10 series of new composites made from heated recycled concrete aggregate (HRCA) subjected to different variants of heat treatment and one additional control series with only natural aggregate (NA). The compressive strength of the new concretes has been determined. The
more » ... oscopic observations of HRCA have also been made. The test results revealed that proper heat treatment of concrete rubble makes it possible to obtain a high-quality recycled coarse aggregate, which can be used as a 100% replacement for natural coarse aggregates in new concretes.
doi:10.3390/su12125182 fatcat:s45omxclpjff7ftqvpoblwllvq