Plant condition remote monitoring technique

L.K. Fotedar, K. Krishen
IGARSS '96. 1996 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium  
This paper summafizes the results of a radiation transfer study conducted on houseplants using controlled environmental conditions. These conditions included. (1) air and soil temperature; (2) incident and reflected radiation; and (3) soil moisture. The reflectance, transmittance, and emittance measurements were conducted in six spectral bands microwave, red, yellow, green, violet, and infrared, over a period of three years. Measurements were taken on both healthy and diseased plants. The data
more » ... as collected on plants under various conditions which included. variation in plant biomass, diurnal variation, changes in plant pathological conditions (including changes in water content), different plant types, various disease types, and incident light wavelength or color. Analysis of this data was performed to yield an algorithm for plant disease from the remotely sensed data.
doi:10.1109/igarss.1996.516303 fatcat:yfvalkovmbcgfpnr3gasfhai6i