Early Detection of Drug Susceptibility Test for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Slide DST Method Using Two Media- Middle Brook 7H9 Broth and Human Blood Media

2016 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  
This study was designed for early detection of drug resistance TB from direct sputum sample and also to suggest a simple method to detect multi drug resistance MTB. Samples were collected from 496 clinically suspected pulmonary tuberculosis cases. From that 207 samples were positive by smear microscopy. Culture and drug susceptibility were done by slide culture method using two media Middle brook 7H9 broth and Human blood media (HBM). From 207 samples 73 sample found to be MDR by Slide DST
more » ... Middle brook 7H9 broth and 74 sample using HBM. Sensitivity of Slide DST method was 97% with human blood media and 96% in case of Middle brook 7H9 broth. Time taken for the result was much less than conventional method. Susceptibility results were available much faster by slide DST method (10 days) compared to that by conventional DST (60 days). Cost of Slide DST method(20 Rs. for HBM & 45 Rs. for Middle brook 7H9 broth) for the detection was much lower than conventional DST. Slide DST method using these two medium could be applied as rapid diagnostic tool to detect drug resistance as it is very cheap and faster for diagnosis of drug resistance TB.
doi:10.21275/v5i2.nov161220 fatcat:rujpr3lhbzdg7fduhztt22tfnq