The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
Irregularities in the University s budgetary process this year have some faculty members concerned about why their full recommended pay raises were denied. Dr. Forest Hill, professor of economics, explained that this year was the first " since probably 1960 that the president didn't hold a budget conference with all I niver sity deans before the budget's release. T H E REASON behind the conference is that it is im possible for the president to know all 2.000 professors and make decisions on
more » ... r performances,' Hill said, " so the deans, who know their professors better, were consulted personally on their recommendations." This year President Ad Interim Lorene Rogers obvious Iv relied on her personal judgment. Hill said. Several deans tried to talk to Rogers about their reeommendations and could not get in to see her. to' added Rogers was unavailable for comment Wednesday, but Dr Donald W Zachariah assistant to the president, said sh*' will issue a statement through the I niversity news service explaining her decisions in the I niversity budget
doi:10.26153/tsw/31740 fatcat:7kdhnq67unh5tpjc4jhkbt46fe