A Personalized Video Recommendation Algorithm Based on Complex Network

Shuxia Pang, Weifang Wang, Honglei Zhu
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2018)   unpublished
Since the current world is overwhelmed by internet, it becomes important and necessary to find the personalized video information to meet the growing demand for all kinds of users. Video recommendation is a very useful method for getting video data quickly. A personalized video recommendation algorithm based on complex network is presented in the paper, which can recommend the video users interest. Once the users give some features of the video information, taking the IMDB film as an example,
more » ... ey will get what they want. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of this method.
doi:10.2991/icaita-18.2018.17 fatcat:q6jl65yy5vc2xf53frd436itrm