Processing raw materials of Slavnoe peat deposit

I. I. Lishtvan, U. M. Dudarchyk, V. M. Kraiko, A. V. Anufryieva, N. A. Bulgakova
2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Chemical Series  
The estimation of the resources and qualitative content of the raw materials of Slavnoe peat deposit, which is reserved by the government for biothermochemical proceeding, has been conducted. The potential directions of the complex use of raw materials are grounded based on the conducted complex of the research of organic and mineral, group and botanical contents, technological characteristics and the peat funds of Slavnoe deposit. Activated carbon, oil sorbent and concentrated microfertilizer
more » ... re suggested as the main types of the products of the deep complex processing of the peat studied.
doi:10.29235/1561-8331-2020-56-2-212-219 fatcat:ykua3y5xvnei7onvmotau4tqiq