Design and Implementation of Efficient Flash ADC

M. Pavan Kumar, P. Venkatesh, K. Venkatesh, G. Chanakya, S. Ravi Teja, Raghu Institute of Technology
2020 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
In wireless communication system signal converters like analog to digital and digital to analog plays very important role. It is very typical task to achieve low power, less area occupancy, error free converters. This paper presents the design of Analog to Digital converter with less operated voltage and less power consumption. basic modules to design ADC are comparators and encoders. For conventional n-bit ADC device requires 2 n comparators along with encoder. We have designed different
more » ... zation comparators and decoders to make efficient ADC device and compare the basic parameters like transistor count, average power consumption, operating frequency and operating voltage. We design Flash type ADC with less transistors, less power consumption comparator along with encoder by using Tanner EDA analog environment 180nm technology node with moderate resolution.
doi:10.17577/ijertv9is050757 fatcat:yj7vjupmh5haljtke4mxy4h7my