Zonation of Lithuanian Silurian graptolites and other faunal groups

Juozas Paškevičius
2020 Geologija Geografija  
The Baltic Silurian Basin, Lithuanian Depression and other structures are shown in the map, with marked by isopachs (contour lines of equal thickness) of the Silurian beds with graptolites and fauna of other groups. The Silurian facies vary greatly in the Depression – from clayey open-sea deep shelf to carbonaceous ones of shallow shelf, and low-energy lagoon facies. The history of investigations on East Baltic area graptolites begins from 1953–1958, when 15 graptolite zones were singled out,
more » ... d proceeds to 35 zones defined now. Peculiarities in the graptolite scale from C. cyphus to N. lochkovensis inclusive are discussed. Transgressions and regressions of the Silurian marine basin, as well as shorter transgressions with wedges and graptolites of clayey facies shifted towards basin shores and regressions with partial extinction of graptolites are elucidated. During these investigations the graptolite scale has been detailed and added with new zones. Graptolite evolution in the zones has been analysed. Stages of graptolite evolution are analysed in relation to the following bioevents: Stačiūnai, Likėnai, Valgu, Ireviken, Mulde, Linde, Lau, Klev and Šilalė. Finally, two tables present graptolite zone correlation with conodont, vertebrate and ostracod zones revealing a highly detailed stratigraphy of the Lithuanian Silurian.
doi:10.6001/geol-geogr.v5i2.4131 fatcat:vmaxtebyejdghge7s6gt2a6ueu