Efficiency of chitosan (Poly-[D] Glucosamine) as natural organic coagulant in pre-treatment of active carbon effluent in Panacan, Davao City

Rezel Cinco1, Jiros Mana-Ay, Mae Karen, Obillo, Milton Norman, D Medina, Emmanuel Leaño
2016 Univ. of Min. Intl. Mult. Res. Jour   unpublished
The utilization of environmental friendly coagulant is widened which can be proposed as an imperative option for water treatment. In this study, the efficiency of Chitosan, a natural organic coagulant in pre-treating Active Carbon Effluent (ACE) as alternative to conventional metal based coagulants in terms of Turbidity (T), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) was evaluated. Collection of effluent for testing was conducted at the Philippine-Japan Active Carbon
more » ... n, Panacan, Davao City, Philippines. Chitosan (Deacetylated chitin; Poly-[1-4]-β-glucosamine) was obtained from Qingdao Develop Chemistry Co., Ltd., China. Suspensions added with experimental coagulant dosages (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mgL-1) were made by sediment mixer maintained at pH 5 and analyzed with the following parameters: Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Turbidity (T). The efficiency of the chitosan coagulation was found to be high in terms of turbidity (99.2%), Chemical Oxygen Demand (97.2%) in 5 mg/L dose of chitosan and Total Suspended Solid (99.15%) in 10 mg/L dose of chitosan. It can be concluded that Chitosan is an effective coagulant which can significantly reduce the level of turbidity, COD and TSS. A further study with different types of effluent and higher Chitosan doses are needed for recommending it for practical application as a natural organic coagulant.