High pT: Electroweak and QCD results from ATLAS

Alejandro Alonso
2011 Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics   unpublished
the ATLAS detector had collected more than 3 nb −1 of proton-proton collision data at √ s = 7 TeV. The latest results on high transverse momentum physics are presented. For electroweak measurements, cross sections for Z and W boson production in leptonic channels are presented, and the lepton charge asymmetry arising from differences between W + and W − boson production is shown. With regards to QCD, the differential inclusive jet cross section is measured, and the dependence on invariant mass
more » ... f the di-jets cross-section is shown. Another important QCD channel for early measurements is top quark production. Latest candidate events are shown. The last topic to be shown in this paper is direct photon production.
doi:10.5689/ua-proc-2010-09/02 fatcat:rl5qidlv6radvj5msr6bcj4mpm