A proposed open cognitive architecture framework

Jeffrey S. Steinman, Craig N. Lammers, Maria E. Valinski
2009 Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)  
This paper describes a proposed general-purpose cognitive architecture known as the Open Cognitive Architecture Framework (OpenCAF) capable of representing complex intelligent behavior for a variety of applications. This new cognitive architecture framework is combined with the Open Modeling and Simulation Architecture (OpenMSA) and the Open System Architecture for Modeling and Simulation (OSAMS) to form the foundation of the Open Unified Technical Framework (Ope-nUTF) that provides an
more » ... ce, high-performance, scalable, parallel and distributed, infrastructure for supporting both real-time operational service-oriented systems and modeling & simulation applications. The WarpIV Kernel provides a freely available open source C++ reference implementation of the OpenUTF that will host the proposed OpenCAF. One of the unique revolutionary features of the OpenCAF is its ability to explore multiple decision-branches within a five-dimensional simulation framework, where alternative courses of action are explored during execution. Event-processing computations are shared whenever possible between unrelated model-behavior timelines. For many applications, this eliminates the need to carefully design experiments that manage large numbers of Monte Carlo excursions. All decision-branch permutations can be explored within a single run that normally takes just a few times longer to complete than a single Monte Carlo run. The proposed cognitive architecture constructs described in this paper are designed to automatically provide scalable high performance execution on emerging multicore computers. Steinman, Lammers, and Valinski
doi:10.1109/wsc.2009.5429287 dblp:conf/wsc/SteinmanLV09 fatcat:usdn7xzfyvgf5asp2nqhinj7cm