Konsep Tajalli 'Abd al-Lāh Ibn 'Abd al-Qahhār al-Bantanī dan Posisinya dalam Diskursus Wujūdiyyah di Nusantara

Ade Fakih Kurniawan
2013 Ulumuna  
This article aims to examine the wujūdiyyah teaching of 'Abd al-Lāh bin 'Abd al-Qahhār al-Bantanī in his Mashāhid al-Nāsik fī Maqāmāt al-Sālik. Although he was a great ulama in the period of Sultan Abū al-Naṣr 'Ārif Shifā' Zayn al-'Āshiqīn—the ruler of Banten Sultanate in the eighteenth century—his name was rarely mentioned in the history of Banten. The Sultan asked him to write a book on wujūdiyyah that especially deals with tajalliyāt. The polemics over wujūdiyyah in Banten is different from
more » ... hose of Aceh. In Banten, there is no information whether the Sultan banned or considered the adherents of wujūdiyyah teaching as infidel (unbeliever). Regarding tajalliyāt, al-Bantani explains it in relation to the tajallī phases of God over the realm that he divides into four: 'ālam ilāhī, 'ālam jabarūt, 'ālam malakūt and 'ālam nāsūt. His concept about these worlds is different from al-Burhanpurī's Martabat Tujuh and from those of H{amzah Fanṣūrī, al-Jīlī as well as Ibn 'Arabī.
doi:10.20414/ujis.v17i2.163 fatcat:4ubtb2kkzvamjjkadyvftyjj3a