Brian Melland
The Lancet
will kill the influenza bacillus practically instantaneously, certainly during the time occupied in brushing the teeth and rinsing the mouth. An attempt was made to ascertain the action upon the influenza bacillus in patients suffering from influenza. There was a difficulty in finding cases in which the bacillus could be detected, but a group of three undoubted cases were selected in which the bacillus ii3fluenzoe and micrococcus catarrhalis were found. The cases were all typical influenza of
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... derately severe type. CASE 1.-The patient, a male, aged 29 years, when first seen was having a rigor, the temperature being 97'2° F. and the pulse 82. The throat was red and congested, there was frontal headache, and also pains in the back and the limbs. He was ordered to bed and to use kolynos as a dentifrice and spray. Three days later he was much improved ; the throat looked normal, but there was a good deal of post-nasal discharge, and a little headache. The spray was continued, and two days later, when seen, the patient was practically well. CASE 2.-The patient, a male. aged 29 years, when first seen had a temperature of 1020 F., and the pulse was 104. Pain in the head and the eyes was severe, and in the back and the limbs it was slight. The urine was highly coloured. The fauces were swollen and red, and the tongue was furred. The bowels had been opened ; the patient was sweating. Kolynos was used. Next day the temperature was 990, the pulse was 80, and the pains were diminishing. He had profusely sweated during the night. Three days later the temperature and the pulse were normal, but there was a little tenderness upon deep pressure over the left frontal sinus. A stronger spray was prescribed, and the use of the kolynos as a dentifrice was discontinued on account of tenderness of gums. The patient was allowed out of bed. Two days later he was quite convalescent. CASE 3.-The patient, a female, aged 26 years, after feeling seedy for some hours had a rigor, and when she was seen complained of sore-throat, aching of the back and the limbs, supra-orbital headache, and stiffness in the nose. The temperature was 101° F. and the pulse 124. The spray gave much relief. The temperature two days later was 98 -60 and the pulse 92. The patient was practically con-