The Institutional Legitimacy of Disruptive Start-ups in Sharing Economy

Nila Zhang, Sia Siew Kien, Gun-Woong Lee
2018 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems  
The sharing economy, with innovative business models (e.g. ride sharing, house sharing, and crowdsourcing), has threatened and disrupted the traditional industries. However, the process of such disruptions and negotiation of new institutional legitimacy is messy. Our study attempts to utilize institutional legitimacy literature to understand the dynamic process of new institutional legitimacy formation in a sharing economy disruption and generate a framework to explain the factors which
more » ... e the legitimacy process. We used deeplearning technique to identify the institutional legitimacy issues surrounding Uber, a leading tech start-up in sharing economy, from news articles published between 2009 and 2016. The preliminary results show that institutional legitimacy of sharing economy disruption varies by time and geographical regions.
dblp:conf/pacis/ZhangKL18 fatcat:fmdcuotzgnhsvb63443t5ahfia