Driving Performance Analysis of a Rear In-wheel Motor Vehicle with Simultaneous Control of Driving Torque and Semi-active Suspension System
후륜 인휠 모터 전기자동차의 구동 및 반능동 현가시스템 동시 제어를 통한 주행 성능 분석

Sulgi Shin, Gyoojae Choi
2015 Transactions of Korean Society of Automotive Engineers  
Recently, the in-wheel motor vehicle is rapidly developed to solve energy exhaustion and environmental problems. Especially, it has the advantage of independently driving the torque control of each wheel in the vehicle. However, due to the weight increase of wheel, the comfort of vehicle riding and performance of road holding become worse. In this paper, to compensate the poor performance, a simultaneous control of the driving torque and semi-active suspension system is investigated. A vehicle
more » ... odel is generated using CarSim Software and validated by field tests. Co-simulation of CarSim and MATLAB/Simulink with control logics is carried out, and it is found that simultaneous control of the driving torque and semi-active suspension system can improve driving stability and durability of the in-wheel motor system.
doi:10.7467/ksae.2015.23.1.011 fatcat:ne4ncytczrfqdlxpclbgbqzxxq