A Study on Expert Opinions about Multicultural Family Policy and Delivery System on the Social Integration Perspective in the Multicultural Age : Focused on Multicultural Family Support Projects
다문화시대 사회통합 관점에서의 다문화가족정책 및 전달체계에 관한 전문가 의견 조사: 다문화가족지원 사업을 중심으로

Ki-Jung Kang, Su-Sun Park
2014 Korean Journal of Family Welfare  
This study was performed to produce evidence that may contribute to draw promotional measures for family policy. To design development measures for multicultural family support services and family policy, a focus group interview (FGI) was conducted with 12 professionals related to multicultural family support projects. Factors for the support subject and scope, the subject expansion and the promotional system maintenance were grasped and the basic requirements to set the long-term direction for
more » ... multicultural family support services were developed. Nowadays, various multicultural families are in existence and policy changes for multicultural families can become the starting point for Korean-style multiculturalism at the level of social unity. A stakeholder-centric paradigm conversion considering the aspects of all related members is required and in-depth discussion on how to establish a future multicultural society is necessary.
doi:10.13049/kfwa.2014.19.4.669 fatcat:4jm5j5lwsvcrlhgbskz6hprd7y