Large Cosmic Variance in the Clustering Properties of Ly Emitters atz5
K. Shimasaku, T. Hayashino, Y. Matsuda, M. Ouchi, K. Ohta, S. Okamura, H. Tamura, T. Yamada, R. Yamauchi
Astrophysical Journal
We reported in a previous paper the discovery of large-scale structure of Lyman Alpha emitters (LAEs) at z=4.86+-0.03 with a projected size of 20 Mpc x 50 Mpc in narrow-band data of a 25' x 45' area of the Subaru Deep Field (Omega_0=0.3, lambda_0=0.7, H0=70 km/s/Mpc). However, the surveyed area, which corresponds to 55 Mpc x 100 Mpc, was not large enough that we can conclude that we are seeing a typical distribution of z~5 LAEs. In this Letter, we report the results of follow-up imaging of the
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... ame sky area using a new narrow-band filter (NB704, lambda_c=7046 A and FWHM=100 A) to detect LAEs at z=4.79, i.e., LAEs lying closer to us by 39 Mpc on average than the z=4.86 objects. We detect 51 LAEs at z=4.79+-0.04 down to NB704=25.7, and find that their sky distribution is quite different from the z=4.86 LAEs'. The clustering of z=4.79 LAEs is very weak on any scales and there is no large-scale high- contrast structure. The shape and the amplitude of the angular correlation function are thus largely different between the two samples. These results demonstrate a large cosmic variance in the clustering properties of LAEs on scales of ~ 50 Mpc.