Maryna Kachanovska, Sergey Yakubovskiy, Roman Kopych
2021 Ìnfrastruktura rinku  
The article analyzes factors influencing migration processes in the EU, namely in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as their impact on the economies of the above states over the period [2009][2010][2011][2012][2013][2014][2015][2016][2017][2018][2019]. To identify the main reasons for immigration to these EU Member States, various indicators were considered, including macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, GDP per capita, tax rates, unemployment rates, employment rates among various
more » ... gments of the population, as well as the socio-political situation in countries. The results show that social and political aspects are the key factors for emigrants from Africa, South Asia, Central America and Southeast Europe to selected EU countries, while economic factors are important for the rest of the European migrants. Therefore, migrants from poor countries, deciding to migrate to the EU, primarily pursue the goal of living in a safe and politically stable state, while emigrants from developed European countries migrate to get higher wages and better quality living conditions. The study also examines the impact of migrant remittances on the economies of recipient and destination countries. It was found that, despite the geographic location and similarity of economies, France and Belgium are net recipients of remittances, while the Netherlands is a net donor.
doi:10.32843/infrastruct51-3 fatcat:fql5vsfmcnbvxexhknbonzp7uu