An Economic Health Study for Treatment on COVID-19 Disease [post]

Arshia Badi, Farhad Rahbar, Esmail Nazem, Habibolah Arasteh Rad
2020 unpublished
In this paper, drug treatment and vaccination are compared healthy and economically. In this comparison, in addition to comparing economic costs, it has paid attention to patients' recovery. To reach the goal, the prevalence of Covid-19 virus in New York is modeled by using the SEIR dynamic model. The SEIR dynamic model is used to model the period of epidemic diseases. Then, three disease control scenarios are evaluated economically. Treatment and vaccination are two important issues in
more » ... ing epidemic diseases. To control the disease, each of these two methods has economic costs and benefits. The main purpose of this paper is to compare the two methods of vaccination and treatment economically. Although the results of the study show that vaccination can be effective in preventing the epidemic of the disease than treatment, but due to the high cost and genetic mutation of the virus, vaccination is not the optimal method for both health and the economy in the long term.
doi:10.20944/preprints202007.0407.v1 fatcat:edivhfaubjbh7m4ilqgl5iiksy