Greenland Ground Transportation: Personal and Corporate

2018 The History of Land Transport  
The object of this study is the transport system of Greenland. The author makes an attempt to land transport statistics analysis on the island as of 2016 In this study, we consider the land transport, which was registered in 2016, its composition -different types of ground transportation, and the form of ownership -private or corporate. Special attention is paid to the relative abundance of land transport in the various localities, and the allocation of localities with the highest number of
more » ... cles. The main method of research is the statistical analysis of the data StatBank Greenland, as well as consideration of the legislation of Denmark and regional regulatory legal acts of Greenland. Having considered regional transport system in Greenland, we focused our attention on the road. Here are the basic types of vehicles and their number, as a general, and depending on the form of ownership, as well as their location. Special attention was paid to the taxation of land transport on the island.
doi:10.13187/hlt.2018.1.11 fatcat:2gqdlimhsrcz5cobjcstynzbmy