Influence of the Interaction of Focused Laser Beam and Gas-Powder Stream on the Quality of Laser Processing

V. Kovalenko, J. Yao, Q. Zhang, P. Kondrashev, M. Anyakin, R. Zhuk, O. Stepura
2013 Procedia CIRP  
Laser processing technologies like alloying, cladding and rapid prototyping that are based on blowing of gas-powder mixture in the zone of laser processing are very dependent on the alignment of caustic surface (conventional surface that surrounds laser beam) and gas-powder mixture regarding the workpiece surface. Deep knowledge of its behavior is very important for the technologies that use coaxial introduction of gas-powder mixture into the processing zone. By means of numerical modeling with
more » ... further experimental verification it was found that the shape of the gas-powder stream and its cross-section could be varied with help of the nozzles of various inner shapes. Further investigation of laser cladding technology by means of experiment planning techniques showed statistically significant influence of the position of caustic surface, and gaspowder mixture and the workpiece on the productivity (the size) and quality (presence of cavities) of the clad.
doi:10.1016/j.procir.2013.03.062 fatcat:egenfj32xrfunahszflmrdx36a