Study on the Development of Dental 0rganic-inorganic Hybrid Type Filler : PMS-PS Hybrid Filler Synthesized from Poly(γ-MPTS) and Polysiloxane by Graft Polymerization Reaction
歯科用有機-無機ハイブリッド型フィラーの開発研究 : poly(γ-MPTS)とポリシロキサンとのグラフト化反応で合成したPMS-PSハイブリッドフィラーについて

The Journal of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices  
Study on the Development of Denta10rganic − inorganic Hybrid Type F { 11er − PMS − PS Hybrid Filler Synthesized . froln Poly ( γ 一 MPTS ) and Polysiloxane by Graft Polymerizatioll Reaction 一 Youichi ISHIKAWA Keywerd Colnposite resin , Fil】 er , Syl1Lhesis , Hydrolysis, Orgallic . − illorgallic hybrid typc filler , Graft pelyinerization This study was conducted to { nvestiga [ . e the basic properties and the hydrolysls of organic . . in⊂♪rgallic hybrid type filler as a new type of fi ] 1er for
more » ... omposite resil1 . Organic − inorgallic hybrid polymer ( PMS PS ) was syllthesjzed fr 〔) m poly ( γ 一 MPTS ) a コ ' id polysiloxane by gl ' aft polymerization reactio / 1. Powdered PMS − ]swas prepared for PMS − PS filler . The molecu − lar weight , the amoullts of organic component and the refractive index ( , 工 PMS PS filler were analyzcd and the hydrolysis was cornpared wi し h that ef conventional γ 一 MPTS treatment silica filler . The nlean molecu ! ar weights of poly ( γ 一 MPTS ) al . ld polysiloxane were l 1000 and 320〔 〕 , respectively . The organic col . 1 . lpo1 ユ ent of PMS PS fillel − was 25. 4wt % , and lts refracLive index was 1 . 472. Hydrolysis in thc PMS − PS 「 iller by bc,ilil 壌 water treatment and alkalinc solution trcatmellt was ! ower c ( コmpared to col /ve τ 1tiona1
doi:10.18939/jjdm.20.2_112 fatcat:3golueypgjgatjdjsd3vy4uc2y