Conceptualizing and Formalizing Requirements for Ontology Engineering

Svitlana Moiseyenko, Vadim Ermolayev
2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications  
This paper presents the PhD project, by the first author, that develops, in frame of the OntoElect methodology, the methods, techniques, and software tools for conceptualizing and formalizing the requirements for engineering an ontology in an arbitrary domain. It takes in the terms extracted from a representative collection of high-quality textual documents written by the experts in the target domain and therefore describing this domain. It produces the representative set of the requirements by
more » ... the knowledge stakeholders as ontological fragments conceptualized as UML class diagrams and formalized in OWL+SWRL. The paper presents the vision of the solution and the plan towards building it based on the background knowledge and related work in the fields of Conceptual Modeling and Ontology Engineering. It also outlines the plan for experimental evaluation and validation of the solution.
dblp:conf/icteri/MoiseyenkoE18 fatcat:oxa2mmyqfbcaldjm5pwdnopzbm