Influence of fertilizing with modern complex organic-mineral fertilizers to grain yield and quality of winter wheat in the southern steppe of Ukraine

Antonina Panfilova, Valentina Gamayunova, Irina Smirnova
2020 Agraarteadus  
This article presents the results of using different varieties, variants of nutrition and their impact on the yield and grain quality of winter wheat. Experimental studies were conducted during 2011–2016 on the experimental field of the Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Ukraine. The technology of growing winter wheat in the experiment, except the studied factors, was generally accepted to the existing zonal recommendations for the southern steppe of Ukraine. The predecessor was peas
more » ... sativum L.) It was determined that the higher grain yield and slightly better quality indicators differed grain of the studied winter wheat varieties with the joint use of pre-sowing application of N30P30 and foliar fertilizing of winter wheat crops twice during the vegetation season by Escort-bio. Thus, for this variant of nutrition, the crude gluten content of winter wheat grain was 24.2 up to 25.1%, the protein content was 12.9 up to 13.2%, and the conditional protein yield of from 1 ha of sowing area was 0.58–0.66 t depending on the studied variety. At the same time, on average, according to the nutrition factor, plants of the 'Zamozhnist' variety in comparison with the 'Kolchuga' variety formed more by 9.3% of the grain, which had the best quality indicators.
doi:10.15159/jas.20.28 fatcat:vbb53ir6xrgahe7qwcdktmrnye