‫تعییه‬ ‫میزان‬ ‫فلزات‬ ‫غلظت‬ ‫سىگیه‬ ‫ویکل‬ ‫کادمیًم‬ ‫ي‬ ‫بافت‬ ‫در‬ ‫َای‬ ‫ماَی‬ ‫کبد‬ ‫ي‬ ٍ‫عضل‬ ‫معمًل‬ ‫سىگسر‬ ( ‫ی‬ Pomadasys kaakan ‫بًشُر‬ ‫بىدر‬ ‫در‬ )

‫عبیذی‬ ‫ي‬ ‫َمکاران‬ ‫تعییه‬ ‫میشان‬ ‫فلشات‬ ‫غلظت‬ ‫سىگیه‬ ‫ویکل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫کادمیًم‬ ‫بافت‬ ‫در‬ ‫َای‬ ‫ي‬ ‫عضلٍ‬ ... 55 ‫مقدمٍ‬ ‫اوٛؾیؿتٓ‬ ‫آِٛزٌی‬ ‫أطٚظٜ‬ ‫آِٛزٌی‬ ‫ذهٛل‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫آثی‬ ‫ٞبی‬ ‫زضیب‬ ‫تٟسیس‬ ‫ٔؿبئُ‬ ‫اظ‬ ‫ٞب‬ ‫وٙٙسٜ‬ ‫ٔٛاجٝ‬ ‫آٖ‬ ‫ثب‬ ‫ثكط‬ ‫وٝ‬ ‫اؾت‬ ‫ای‬ ( ‫اؾت‬ Barbieri & Elisangela, 2009 ‫فبضؼ‬ ‫ذّیج‬ .) ‫ٔتٛؾٍ‬ ‫ٖٕك‬ ‫ثب‬ ‫ٖٕك،‬ ‫وٓ‬ ‫آثی‬ ‫حٛيٝ‬ ‫یه‬ 35 ‫تب‬ 40 ٚ ‫ٔتط‬ ‫حسٚز‬ ‫زض‬ ‫ٔؿبحتی‬ 240 ‫(چبوطی‬ ‫اؾت‬ ‫ٔطثٕ‬ ‫ویّٛٔتط‬ ‫ٞعاض‬ ‫ٕٞىبضاٖ،‬ ٚ 1394 ‫ثیٗ‬ ‫حٛيٝ‬ ‫ایٗ‬ ‫زض‬ ‫آة‬
more » ... ‫تٗٛیى‬ ‫ظٔبٖ‬ .) 3 ‫تب‬ 5 ‫٘كبٖ‬ ‫وٝ‬ ‫اؾت‬ ‫ؾبَ‬ ‫ٔی‬ ‫آالیٙسٜ‬ ‫زٞس‬ ‫ٞب‬ ‫لبثُ‬ ‫ظٔبٖ‬ ‫ثطای‬ ‫ٔالحٓٝ‬ ‫ذّیج‬ ‫زض‬ ‫ای‬ ‫ٔی‬ ‫ثبلی‬ ‫فبضؼ‬ ( ‫ٔب٘ٙس‬ Sheppard et al., 2010 .) ‫ذّیج‬ ‫حبقیٝ‬ ٚ ‫ایطاٖ‬ ‫غطثی‬ ‫جٙٛة‬ ‫زض‬ ‫ثٛقٟط‬ ‫ثٙسض‬ ‫فبضؼ‬ ( ‫اؾت‬ ‫ٌطزیسٜ‬ ‫ٚالٕ‬ ‫ٕٞىبضاٖ،‬ ٚ ‫لٙجطی‬ 1393 .) ‫ثٙسض‬ ‫ایٗ‬ ‫زاقتٗ‬ ٚ ‫ذٛز‬ ‫ذبل‬ ‫الّیٕی‬ ٚ ‫جغطافیبیی‬ ‫ٔٛلٗیت‬ ‫ّٖت‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫ز‬ ‫فبضؼ‬ ‫ذّیج‬ ‫ثب‬ ‫ٔكتطن‬ ‫ٔطظ‬ ‫ٔٙحهط‬ ‫اوِٛٛغیه‬ ‫تٛاٖ‬ ‫اضای‬ ‫ٌبظ‬ ‫٘فت،‬ ‫جّٕٝ‬ ‫اظ‬ ‫ٔتٗسز‬ ‫ٔٙبثٕ‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫تٛجٝ‬ ‫ثب‬ ٚ ‫ثٛزٜ‬ ‫فطزی‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫ؾٍٙیٗ‬ ‫فّعات‬ ً ‫ذهٛنب‬ ‫آِٛزٌی‬ ‫ایجبز‬ ‫ِحبِ‬ ‫اظ‬ ‫پتطٚقیٕی‬ ٚ ‫ٔی‬ ‫ثبالیی‬ ‫ثؿیبض‬ ‫إٞیت‬ ‫حبئع‬ ( ‫ثبقس‬ Ra, 1988 ) . ‫ٖسْ‬ ٚ ‫پبیساضی‬ ‫ثبال،‬ ‫ؾٕیت‬ ‫زِیُ‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫ؾٍٙیٗ‬ ‫فّعات‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫تجٕٕ‬ ٚ ‫ثعضٌٕٙبیی‬ ‫ظیؿتی،‬ ‫تجعیٝ‬ ‫جصة‬ ‫٘یع‬ ٚ ‫یؿتی‬ ‫آالیٙسٜ‬ ‫ٟٕٔتطیٗ‬ ‫اظ‬ ‫آؾبٖ‬ ‫ٔی‬ ‫زضیبیی‬ ‫ٞبی‬ ٚ ‫(ٖجبزتی‬ ‫ثبقٙس‬ ‫ٕٞىبضاٖ،‬ 1384 ٚ ‫اؾترطاج‬ ‫شٚة،‬ ‫فطآیٙس‬ ‫ضاٜ‬ ‫اظ‬ ‫وٝ‬ ) ‫پؿبة‬ ‫ؾٛذتی،‬ ‫ٔٛاز‬ ‫احتطاق‬ ‫ظثبِٝ‬ ‫نٙٗتی،‬ ‫ٞبی‬ ‫قٟطی،‬ ‫ٞبی‬ ‫آة‬ ‫ترّیٝ‬ ٚ ‫اتفبلی‬ ‫٘كت‬ ‫٘فتی،‬ ‫ٔٛاز‬ ‫فطآٚضی‬ ٚ ‫٘مُ‬ ٚ ‫حُٕ‬ ‫وكتی‬ ‫تٛاظٖ‬ ‫ظثبِٝ‬ ‫ٞب،‬ ‫ٖٛأُ‬ ٚ ‫اتٕی‬ ‫ٞبی‬ ‫٘ٓیط‬ ‫َجیٗی‬ ‫ٔی‬ ‫ضاٜ‬ ‫ظیؿت‬ ‫ٔحیٍ‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫غجبض‬ ٚ ‫ٌطز‬ ٚ ‫َٛفبٖ‬ ‫(وطیٕی‬ ‫یبثٙس‬ ‫ٕٞىبضاٖ،‬ ٚ 1386 ‫آالیٙسٜ‬ ‫ایٗ‬ ‫ا٘تمبَ‬ ‫پی‬ ‫زض‬ .) ‫ٔحیٍ‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫ٞب‬ -‫اظ‬ ‫ٔمبزیطی‬ ‫ٔبٞی،‬ ‫وٝ‬ ‫زاضز‬ ‫ٚجٛز‬ ‫احتٕبَ‬ ‫ایٗ‬ ‫آثی،‬ ‫ٞبی‬ ‫آة‬ ‫َطیك‬ ‫اظ‬ ‫یب‬ ‫غصایی‬ ‫ظ٘جیطٜ‬ ‫ضاٜ‬ ‫اظ‬ ‫ضا‬ ‫ؾٍٙیٗ‬ ‫فّعات‬ ‫ثطذی‬ ( ‫ٕ٘بیس‬ ‫جصة‬ ‫ٔحیٍ‬ ‫اظ‬ Amini Ranjbar & Sotoodenia, 2005 .) ‫ا٘ساْ‬ ‫ثطاثط‬ ‫زض‬ ‫ٔبٞی‬ ‫ٞبی‬ ‫حؿبؼ‬ ‫ؾٍٙیٗ‬ ‫فّعات‬ ‫ثب‬ ‫ٔؿٕٛٔیت‬ ‫ٔیبٖ‬ ‫ایٗ‬ ‫زض‬ ٚ ‫ا٘س‬ ٚ ‫زاضز‬ ‫ا٘ؿبٖ‬ ‫تغصیٝ‬ ‫زض‬ ‫ٟٕٔی‬ ‫٘مف‬ ‫ایٙىٝ‬ ‫زِیُ‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ًّٖٝ ‫ٔی‬ ‫ثسٖ‬ ‫ؾبظ‬ ٚ ‫ؾٛذت‬ ‫زض‬ ‫انّی‬ ًٖٛ ‫ایٙىٝ‬ ‫زِیُ‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫وجس‬ -‫ٔی‬ ‫تحُٕ‬ ‫ضا‬ ‫انّی‬ ‫نسٔبت‬ ‫ثبقس‬ ( ‫وٙٙس‬ Stoskopf, 1993 .) ‫٘ی‬ ‫ؾٍٙیٗ‬ ‫فّعات‬ ‫تمؿیٓ‬ ‫زض‬ ‫وبزٔیْٛ‬ ٚ ‫ىُ‬ ‫ا٘ٛأ‬ ‫ثٙسی‬ ‫زاضای‬ ‫فّعات‬ ‫ضزٜ‬ ‫زض‬ ‫ؾٕیت‬ ‫ٔیعاٖ‬ ‫ِحبِ‬ ‫اظ‬ ‫ؾٍٙیٗ‬ ‫فّعات‬ ‫ایزان‬ ‫ضیالت‬ ‫علمی‬ ‫مجلٍ‬ ‫سال‬ ‫ضص‬ ‫ي‬ ‫بیست‬ ‫/ضمارٌ‬ 1 55 Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of heavy metals Nickel and Cadmium in muscle and liver tissues of Pomadasys kaakan in Bushehr seaport during 2015. 20 samples of Pomadasys kaakan were caught completely at random from Bushehr seaport by the area local fishermen should be omitted. After biometry of the samples, the muscle and liver tissues of the samples were separated and chemical digestion of the samples was done by MOOPAM, then Nickel and Cadmium accumulation levels in tissues were measured using Graphite furnace atomic absorption instrument (VARIAN AA 100). Based on the obtained results the mean concentrations of Nickel in muscle and liver tissues of Pomadasys kaakan were calculated 0.284 ±0.074 and 0.344±0.081 mg/kg dry weight respectively and showed that there were no significant differences (p>0.05). Moreover, based on the obtained results the mean concentrations of Cadmium in muscle and liver tissues of Pomadasys kaakan were calculated 0.118±0.011 and 0.132±0.021 mg/kg dry weight respectively and showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05). The results of this study revealed that the Nickel and Cadmium metals concentration in edible tissues (muscle) of Pomadasys kaakan in study station are lower than the levels permitted within the standards of WHO, FAO, NHMRC, UK(MAFF) and FDA. So the use of these species for human consumption from the perspective of public health will not create a problem.