Emotional evaluation and memory in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

Peggy L. St. Jacques, Cheryl Grady, Patrick S.R. Davidson, Tiffany W. Chow
2014 Neurocase  
Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) affects emotional evaluation, but less is known regarding the patients' ability to remember emotional stimuli. Here, bvFTD patients and age-matched controls studied positive, negative, and neutral pictures followed by a recognition memory test. Compared to controls, bvFTD patients showed a reduction in emotional evaluation of negative scenes, but not of positive or neutral scenes. Additionally, the patients showed an overall reduction in
more » ... tion memory accuracy, due to impaired recollection in the face of relatively preserved familiarity. These results show that bvFTD reduces the emotional evaluation of negative scenes and impairs overall recognition memory accuracy and recollection.
doi:10.1080/13554794.2014.917681 pmid:24837244 fatcat:vtqymn2bpfgkrmrtxzgnjxdmwi