Non-differentiable degrees of freedom: fluctuating metric signature

V Dzhunushaliev, D Singleton
2001 Classical and quantum gravity  
In this article we investigate the metric signature as a non-differentiable ( i.e. discrete as opposed to continuous) degree of freedom. The specific model is a vacuum 7D Universe on the principal bundle with an SU(2) structural group. An analytical solution is found which to a 4D observer appears as a flat Universe with a fluctuating metric signature, and frozen extra dimensions with an SU(2) instanton gauge field. A piece of this solution with linear size of the Planck length (≈ l_Pl) can be
more » ... onsidered as seeding the quantum birth of a regular Universe. A boundary of this piece can initiate the formation of a Lorentzian Universe filled with the gauge fields and in which the extra dimensions have been "frozen".
doi:10.1088/0264-9381/18/9/312 fatcat:ffi3b5gchrh2heulamdbnupgem