Using Activity Theory to Explore the Possibilities of Integrating ICT in the Training of Literature in English teachers at Makerere University: A Literature Review

Rebecca Nambi
2018 International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research  
Using the theoretical lenses of Activity Theory this paper reviews literature about the possibilities of integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to develop teacher trainees' skills in collaborative and critical analysis of Literature in English texts. The review is based on the following arguments: 1) There are many affordances within the context of Uganda in general and Makerere University in particular to facilitate such integration. 2) Trainees can integrate ICT in their
more » ... ssons if they themselves experience it during their training. 3) The study of Literature texts is inherently collaborative as readers interpret meaning and attempt to relate it to their own experiences. 4) ICT can provide the space and tools to develop pedagogical skills among teacher trainees of Literature. 5) Activity Theory provides the framework to explore the literature for the opportunities and gaps of using ICT to train Literature teachers.
doi:10.26803/ijlter.17.12.8 fatcat:24s3fvhh4bd6neefp3356gnb5i