Perinatal Transmission of HIV and Syphilis in Mexico

Posadas Robledo FJ
2018 Investigations in Gynecology Research & Womens Health (IGRWH)  
In the international context, HIV and AIDS are a clear and specific sphere of attention, in which Mexico has sustained the commitment to adhere to global agreements that aim to respond to this epidemic, as well as to respect human rights, to combat the stigma and discrimination suffered by people who live and coexist with the virus and the infection. The essential objectives of the national response include the control of perinatal transmission of HIV and syphilis. These indicators are very
more » ... itive and directly reflect the discrimination that exists towards the attention of women and their health problems. The process is complicated by unresolved social determinants. Poverty, low educational level and limited access to quality health services are the main factors that prevent optimal control of these infections. In addition, the disarticulation of a fragmented health system and the significant number of births, exceeding 2.2 million each year, are added.
doi:10.31031/igrwh.2019.03.000554 fatcat:raeufakdavecfcfbn7z34rvycu