7pBA-1 Introduction and background(7pBA Division 6・4・8 Joint Symposium:Odd-frequency pairing -current status-)

Yukio Tanaka
2014 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan (Nihon Butsuri Gakkai koen gaiyoshu)  
The Physical Society of Japar ユ ( JPS ) 7pBA − 1 1ntroduction and background Department ofAppliedPhysics , Nagoya University Yukio Tanaka Symmetry of Cooper pair has been a central topic in the physics of supeTconductivity . In accordance with the Fermi _Dirac statistics , pair amplitUde , which is a wave 血 nct 重 on of Cooper pa 正 r , should have asign cha コ ge with the exchange of two electrons
doi:10.11316/jpsgaiyo. fatcat:6mbz2bvtr5aphi3iebcshu267i