Effects of motor sequence training on attentional performance in ADHD children

Gerry Leisman, Robert Melillo
2010 International Journal on Disability and Human Development  
This study examines whether the nervous system can be made more effi cient as a cognitive processing instrument and how signal detection theory may be used as an instrument for examining human performance and the effectiveness of clinical treatment. In this paper we will examine how IM affects human cognitive and neuromotor capacities and functioning and how signal detection methods may be used to functionally evaluate treatment effi cacy as well as identifying clinical populations and
more » ... istics for rhythmic training is likely to have a positive effect. Rhythm feedback training appears to have a signifi cant effect on clinically observed changes in behavior in attention-defi cit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) elementary school-age children. Signal detection studies are ongoing to examine the nature of the observed relationships.
doi:10.1515/ijdhd.2010.043 fatcat:dkmwyiobbnblnlvduj7p4biioq