The near-zone field characteristics of an E-polarization plane wave penetrating through cylindrical multiple apertures (non) coated with lossy and lossless media

Wen-Yan Yin, Le-Wei Li, Tat-Soon Yeo, Mook-Seng Leong, Pang-Shyan Kooi
2002 IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility (Print)  
The direct integral equation is formulated for describing the current on the multiple perfectly conducting strips in cylindrical geometries for an E-polarization plane wave of normal incidence. By using the Galerkin's method, the surface currents on the conducting strips are expanded in the form of a series of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, while the unknown expanding coefficients are solved by a set of matrix equations of finite order with a fast convergence rate and a high accuracy.
more » ... Furthermore, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the variation of the penetrated near-zone field in the presence of one, two, three, four and six cylindrical apertures, and the hybrid effects of both aperture number and aperture angular widths on the penetrated fields are investigated in detail.
doi:10.1109/temc.2002.1003398 fatcat:dhjoj5s3fvhwdkctpjgsk6sk5e